It's a commonly held observation that people tend to get “rude” as they get older.
If you ask older people about this, they'll tell you as you get older you just stop caring what other people think as much, and you realize you don't want to hold it in and pretend anymore.
You feel like you've kind of earned the right to be honest.
The truth is they're not always being “rude” a lot of the time. That's just what we call someone who's honest in a way that's not comfortable for us. But they're not necessarily saying anything particularly judgemental or harsh.
They're just saying what they actually think, finally, after holding it in for all those decades.
You have to let go of the idea that honesty which you find uncomfortable is the same thing as rudeness. It's not always the same thing as being brutally judgmental or unfairly harsh.
Sometimes people just don't like you and don't want to be around you, and sometimes you feel that way about them, and it's okay to say that.
You can say “No thanks” to the invitation without making up an excuse. You can say “Let’s not see each other again” to a bad-fit date without pretending you like them.
Yes, some people will think of you as “rude”, but no one who’s confident will be bothered by it.
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