BROJO publications

Why people trust Joe Rogan more than scientists...

Ever since Jenny McCarthy read a since-debunked study by Dr Andrew Wakefield and came out saying vaccines cause autism, we've seen a steady decline in respect for science and a sharp increase in the anti-science movement. This is in stark contrast to the 80s and 90s where almost everything "science said" was taken as truth. Now, even global warming and COVID vaccines are doubted by many millions of people. What happened to respect for scientific method, scientific consensus, and scientists themselves? Why are people more likely to listen to Joe Rogan than a recognised expert scientist?

In this video, I address the only thing I really know anything about - honesty - and how the lack of it has hurt the scientific community, and what they need to do about it.


Tortuous leg restraints for polio sufferers  -

Recommending thalidomide to pregnant mothers -

Shaming fat and leading to sugar epidemic -

Putting mentally ill people on opoids -

Mindfulness is more effective for opiod addiction and chronic pain

Telling everyone that the vaccine will totally prevent 95% covid and has no negative long term side effects -

Andrew Wakefield's study made it through peer review - The Lancet is a weekly peer-reviewed general medical journal -

Original Question:

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