BROJO publications

Why Nice Guys Need to Stop Sacrificing Themselves for Others

I think the number one belief that nice guys need to change is the idea that you must put other people first.

This belief is often followed by more beliefs: that you need to take care of everyone else because they're too weak to do it on their own; that they need you; and, that you must sacrifice yourself to help them.

The truth is, the best thing you can be for others is someone who's sorted themselves out—someone who's got their life in order, who's confident, who takes good care of themselves, who's prepared, and who prioritizes their own needs so no one else has to.

If you're on an airplane and it's about to crash, and the oxygen masks drop down, they tell you to put your own mask on first. Why?

Because you can't help someone else if you're suffocating.

Life works the same way.

You can't help others if you're suffocating.

If you're depriving yourself and ignoring your own needs just to be nice to others, nobody wins.

To dive deeper into this topic, check out the original video here:

Original Question:

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