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Why do girls like bad boys instead of nice guys?

New full length video:

"In the end, the main answer to the title question is that the traits the bad boy has in common with a genuinely confident man – those harder masculine traits – are also the sexiest.

Ultimately, when it comes to short-term sexual rewards the bad boy is more likely to temporarily seduce a woman into thinking he’s confident (and therefore attractive), and then later end up strongly disliked, while the nice guy will be highly liked for many years or even decades but not seen as attractive sexually, and hence will spend much time in the dreaded friendzone.

I say, why bother being either the nice guy or the bad boy, considering both of them a) end up alone and miserable anyway, and b) require you to be fake and harmful to others?"

Watch the full video here:

Cheers, Dan

Original Question:

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