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Stuck? The self-development blind spot

Lately, I've had a little breakthrough in my physical health.

I've always been trying to get my weight down and so on, and struggled with it. I usually get going pretty well, but before long my discipline and sugar cravings get the better of me and I end up back at square one.

This time, it’s different.

The breakthrough was I've been sleeping a bit better recently.

It’s weird but also kinda obvious that sleeping better was what needed to happen first before I could find the discipline and motivation to stick to a strict nutrition regime.

In the past, I would blame the strictness of the nutrition program, or more obviously related issues like physical injuries. To me, sleep seemed to belong to a different “category”.

This reminds me of a concept that we can call the self-development blind spot.

A lot of people feel stuck in a certain area that they're working on - maybe it's their career or dating or martial arts progress etc. - and in their head, they've compartmentalized that area as if it's all by itself and it isn't touched by the other areas of life.

They reason that if there’s a struggle with this goal, it must be something directly related to the area the goal focuses on.

What I've learned through experiences like the one I just spoke about is that often when you're stuck in on area it's because another area is struggling.

I’ve made breakthroughs in dancing by changing the dancing style for a while. I’ve made breakthroughs in my business by spending more time with my family. I’ve made breakthroughs in learning guitar by doing more meditation.

Your mind and body are connected. Everything inside you is affected by everything outside of you. Nothing is untouchable. Nothing functions independently.

You can stack the deck in your favour and make things easier for yourself by trying to score as many points in all areas of life as you can. If one area is hitting a plateau or external barriers are insurmountable, try improving a different area, safe in the knowledge that your whole life will benefit in some way.

You might notice that your goal needed you to be stronger elsewhere before you can progress.

For more on this topic, check out my video “Unusual Practices To Improve Your Social Skills”

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