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Should you start a service business?


While I do believe there’s a time and place in everyone’s life to be an employee, there comes a time where it no longer makes sense for some company to profit off your skills, experience and talent while they pay you a pittance for providing all the value.

If you’ve got a passion for helping others, and you’ve developed a skill set for helping them solve a specific problem in such a way where it’s much better to get your help than to do it on their own, then you have a potential business.

There are so many employee positions that easily translate into self employment, for those who want more freedom, higher income, increased job security (really!) and deeper meaning in their life.

Managers can become coaches. Programmers can become freelance web designers. Nutritionists and exercise fanatics could easily teach what they know to others. Anyone in sales and marketing is pretty much good to go already!

But getting started is terrifying. You have so many fears around finances, rejection, embarrassment, and confusion about the right way to do things.

So I’ve written something for you: a formula to TEST a business idea without taking any major risks, getting insecure about the money side of things, or even needing to quit your day job.

This is a complete guide to figure out if the service you’re passionate about is also a viable product for a entrepreneurial business and if it’s something you’d rather do on your own.

I’ve held nothing back. You have everything here you’ll need to make your first dollar as a service business provider.

If you’re prepared to give your idea a serious go for 8 weeks, this formula will take you through the whole testing process, after which you’ll be sure about your next move, whether it’s to continue building the business or stick with being an employee for now (no shame in that!)

Check it out here:

Original Question:

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