BROJO publications

People Pleaser: The uncomfortable truth about being a nice person

You might think you're a good person because you sacrifice your own needs to prioritise the needs of others. You might think of yourself as a nice person because you always cheer people up when they're feeling down. You might think of yourself as a kind person because you never argue or fight or cause problems.

But what if underneath this pleasant exterior lurks a manipulative and damaged person, who has been trained and conditioned to keep others happy without really knowing why.
As a veteran people-pleaser who's now in recovery and coaching other recovering approval seekers, I can tell you there's a good chance your "nice guy" act is a lie to conceal fear of rejection, confrontation and abandonment.

Let's talk about what it means to stop caring what others think, stop comparing yourself to others, and start being more genuinely authentic and confident in yourself.

Join BROJO today and say goodbye to people-pleasing and hello to social confidence.

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