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How to fix Nice Guy relationships

New full length video out today:

A relationship is a romantic partnership where two people have explicitly crossed the line from dating/friendship into committed partnership, e.g. girlfriend, wife. This is different from attraction and connection - relationships really mean the introduction of boundaries. And relationships exist on a sliding scale from healthy to abusive.

The issue for nice guys is that the relationship is often poorly defined. Boundaries are either covert contracts, non existent, or inconsistent. This comes from belief that confrontations are bad, rather than necessary and helpful. Confrontation is confused with conflict. It’s not unusual for a nice guy to be in a relationship that’s never been defined beyond “we can’t see other people” or whatever the partner demands on a daily basis. The relationship becomes a prison sentence of servitude and unspoken resentment.

The Nice Guy starts giving up on dreams, hobbies, friends, and constantly catering to wife and child’s demands. He suffers from green light syndrome - does not initiate sex, take over leadership or decision making roles for the family. It all ends in emotionless stalemate, leading to divorce or long term silent suffering. In this video, we look at how to fix this mess!

Watch the video here:


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