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The 9to5 Conspiracy: What Government & Corporations Don't Want You to Realise

Nothing is more destructive to quality of life potential than working yourself to death in an unfulfilling 9-5 job simply because you think you have to. In this live-stream, Dan covers his theory about the 40 hour workweek conspiracy designed to control the masses into mind-numbing modern-day slavery.


Some quotes from the episode:

“I can’t think of a belief system that hurts the individual more than looking around and asking ‘What’s everyone else doing? That must be the right thing to do’”

"There’s a huge mass of unsuccessful people, and you look around at them and go 'I guess that’s what should be doing'? That doesn’t make sense"

"Right now, there are government employees all around the world having meetings specifically to figure out how to waste the extra money you paid in taxes so that they can justify asking for that amount again."

"You get to Friday and think “Oh thank god, now I can just throw my money away on emotionally numbing activities and substances” and then you have to go back to work on Monday."

"Why is alcohol the only legal drug even though it’s one of the most harmful? Because alcohol does something the other drugs don’t do: it tranquilises you, and it tires you out. And I can’t think of a more perfect drug to keep this system going."

"You’re the one providing the value, and yet your employer is the one getting paid."

"The idea that what you’re interested in can’t make money or wouldn’t be enjoyable [as a profession] is complete and utter bollocks. I can think of the most ridiculous things that make money just because someone gave it a go."

Original Question:

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