Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Frequently-Asked Questions

for BROJO Silver & Gold Members

Can I bring a friend to an Inner Circle, or other Members-only event?

Generally, we do allow Members to bring a friend to try out one Inner Circle session or social, but please check with your coach first to make sure we have space and that the topic isn't too private.

I am curious about 1:1 coaching - can I try a session before I decide?

Yes, simply contact your coach! If you are interested in coaching, the first step is a "strategy session" where your coach will meet with you and discuss your challenges and goals. If you both feel that you can work together well, you're all set.

I'm stuck in an important part of my life! What do I do?

Always let us know- your coach is your first resource, and can connect you to articles, videos, coaching and resources that will help.

The BROJO community is also a fantastic resource, and you can connect with the community most easily through the FaceBook Members Only forum, or at the Monday night social events.

Yo, BROJO Rocks! How can I get more involved?

Thanks! We get that a lot - and there's no way we could manage or grow BROJO without the help of our fantastic members. We're excited about helping you grow further, and also to build the BROJO team- talk to Dan or Mike to learn more.

I'll be away traveling for a bit, can I pause my membership billing?

Yep! Message Dan (email at right) to sort that out.

Can women attend?

Yes, however it's worth noting that we don't often have female members (though we did try to bring them in!) Brojo takes a very masculine approach to self-development, so it's all about if you enjoy that style, guys and girls are both welcome.

Contact Us

Dan Munro
[email protected]

Michael Wells
[email protected]