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Side Hustle School

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About the Side Hustle School Podcast

Chris provides top advice and real-life stories on how to free yourself from the 9-5 grind by starting up your own company, either on the side or as a full-time exit from employment.

Side Hustle School gets over 2 million downloads per month, and is considered by BROJO leaders to be one of the best resources available to upgrading your career while downgrading your limitations.

>> Listen to the podcast here

About Chris Guillebeau

Chris Guillebeau is the New York Times bestselling author of The $100 Startup, The Art of Non-Conformity, and other books. During a lifetime of self-employment, he visited every country in the world (193 in total) before his 35th birthday. Every summer in Portland, Oregon he hosts the World Domination Summit, a gathering of creative, remarkable people. His latest book, Born for This, will help you find the work you were meant to do.

>> Check out Chris' books on Amazon here

Connect with Chris on Twitter, on his blog, or at your choice of worldwide airline lounge.

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