
Lifestyle Design Foundations

Coach-Led Online Group Masterclass
Self-Paced Online Course

Are you enjoying your life? Where's it headed?
Are you constantly growing, without being overwhelmed?
What are you big life goals, and are you on-track to achieve them?
What's your day-by-day experience look like?
Who is in your world, and why?

Lifestyle Design is about...

  1. Building your life around your life goals, and your core values, so that every day is uniquely optimized for your personal success.
  2. Understanding the fundamental dynamics of a healthy, balanced life, and how to create happiness and productivity at the same time.
  3. Reviewing, reflecting, and measuring your progress, so that you can continually adjust and adapt as your world changes.

Here are some of the things we'll explore...

The 5 Areas Model

  • What the 5 Areas model is and how it works
  • What healthy, balanced essentialism looks like
  • Why it's important to know, and maintain the foundation of your world on a daily basis, and how to do that practically.
  • How the 5 areas model influences your life goals.


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